BA9268-Strategic Human Resource Management And Development Two Marks With Answers

Anna University
Department Of Management Studies
3rd Semester
BA9268-Strategic Human Resource Management And Development
Two Marks With Answers
Regulation R2009


Ques 1) Define Human Resource Development.
Ans: Meaning and Definition of Human Resource Development 
 HRD is an effort to develop capabilities and competencies among employees as well as create organizational environment conducive to the employees development. 
 According to Swanson and Holton, ‘’Human Resource Development is a process for developing and unleashing human expertise through organization development and personnel t raining and development for the purpose of improving performance’’.

Ques 2) Write down any Two Features of HRD.
Ans: Two Features of HRD
i) Planned and Systematic Approach: HRD is a planned and systematic approach to t he development of people. HRD is a system consisting of
several interdependent and interrelated subsystems. 
ii)  Continuous Process: HRD is a continuous and dynamic process which believes in the need for continuous development of personnel to face the innumerable challenges in the functioning of an organization. 

Ques 3) List any Two Differences between HRM and HRD.
Ans: Two Differences between HRM and HRD 

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    BA9268-Strategic Human Resource Management And Development Two Marks With Answers