Anna University ,Chennai 600025
B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, November / December 2015
Important Questions & Study Materials Update
Exams on 6th November 2015 (Friday)
![[Image: new.gif]](https://www.vidyarthiplus.com/vp/images/smilies/new.gif)

-> AE6502 Aircraft Structures - II
-> AE2302 Aircraft Structures - II
-> AE2022 Aircraft General Engineering And Maintenance Practices

-> AT6502 Automotive Electrical and Electronics Systems
-> ME2303 Design of Machine Elements
-> AT2352 Automotive Chassis Components Design

-> CE6502 Foundation Engineering
-> CE2302 Structural Analysis I
-> CE2351 Structural Analysis II

-> CS6502 Object Oriented Analysis and Design
-> CS2304 System Software
-> CS2354 Advanced Computer Architecture

-> EE2303 Transmission And Distribution
-> CS2363 Computer Networks

-> EC6501 Digital Communication
-> EC2352 Computer Networks
-> EC2031 Electromagnetic Interference And Compatibility

-> EI2351 Modern Electronic Instrumentation
-> CS2461 Applied Soft Computing

-> EI2351 Modern Electronic Instrumentation
-> CS2461 Applied Soft Computing

-> MV6502 Marine Diesel Engines II
-> MV2306 Marine Boilers And Steam Engineering
-> MV2027 Marine Corrosion And Prevention

-> GE6075 Professional Ethics in Engineering
-> ME2303 Design of Machine Elements
-> ME2352 Design of Transmission Systems

-> ME3301 Design of Machine Elements
-> EC3314 Object Oriented Programming

-> AN6501 Manufacturing System Management
-> ME2303 Design of Machine Elements
-> ME2352 Design of Transmission Systems

-> MF6502 Metal Forming Technology
-> PR2305 Foundry and Welding Technology
-> PR2353 Automated Production and Computer Integrated Manufacturing

-> BM6502 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment - I

-> EN6501 Municipal Solid Waste Management
-> EN3302 Air Pollution and Control
-> EN3001 Wealth From Waste

-> IE6503 Applied Ergonomics
-> ME2303 Design of Machine Elements
-> IE3352 Principles of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems

-> BM6007 Internet and Java Programming
-> EC2352 Computer Networks
-> BM3303 Bio-Mechanics
-> MD3312 Bio-Signal Processing

-> GI6502 Geodesy
-> GI3301 Surveying III
-> GI3312 Photogrammetry II

-> MF6502 Metal Forming Technology
-> ME2303 Design of Machine Elements
-> ME3314 Finite Element Analysis

-> CH6303 Physical Chemistry
-> PC3315 Petroleum Crude Processing Technology

-> ML6502 Material Aspects in Design
-> ML3302 Materials Aspects in Design
-> ML3310 Bio and Smart Materials

-> RO6502 Basics of Robotics

-> CH6303 Physical Chemistry
-> CH2305 Mass Transfer-I
-> CH2352 Mass Transfer-II

-> CS6502 Object Oriented Analysis and Design
-> CS2304 System Software
-> IT2021 Business Process Model
-> IT2022 Software Requirement Engineering

-> PT6505 Thermosets and composites
-> PT2302 Analysis And Characterization Of Polymers
-> PT2352 Polymer Rheology

-> TC6502 Wet Processing Machinery
-> TC3303 Theory of Dyeing and Colour Physics
-> TC3313 Dyeing of cellulosic Textiles-II

-> TT6505 Technology of Manufactured Fibre Production
-> TT2302 Process and Quality Control in Spinning
-> TT2353 Garment Technology

-> FT6502 Textile and Apparel Quality Evaluation
-> FT2302 Mens & Childrens Wear
-> FT2352 Advanced Pattern Making

-> BT2301 Bioinformatics - I

-> PE6501 Well Drillling Equipments and Operation
-> PE2301 Well Drilling Equipments and Operations
-> PE2352 Petroleum Production Engineering

-> PL6501 Polymer Rheology
-> PL2302 Polymerization Engineering
-> PL2352 Plastics Materials and Applications - II

-> EL6501 Corrosion Science & Engineering

-> PY6003 Validation in Pharmaceutical Industries
-> CH3325 Chemical Reaction Engineering
-> PY3311 Instrumental Methods of Pharmaceutical Analysis

-> CH6303 Physical Chemistry
-> PC3315 Petroleum Crude Processing Technology

-> AR6002 Energy Efficient Architecture
-> AR2301 Design of Structures II
-> AR2355 Architectural Detailing

-> MS3302 Applied Thermodynamics
-> MS3351 Design of Machine Elements I

-> FT2302 Mens & Childrens Wear
-> FT2352 Advanced Pattern Making

-> CH3305 Mass Transfer II
-> EL3312 Energy Technology

-> AR2301 Design of Structures II