The project is fully based on the computerized fluid dynamics. Here we have used two types of swept wing models. One is ONERA M6 model and the other we have used is RAE model. These two wing models are same in the shape of design but have different orientation of positions. This is because of the co-ordinates of the airfoils. Both the ONERA M6 and the RAE wing models have different airfoil shapes. Initially we imported the model of the two structures for grid generation.
The grid is fully made on the ICEM software. Later the two wing models are tested in the fluent software for analysis purpose. Finally our project aim is to compare the two wing models. So we can find that which one is optimum. In the analysis process, we have found that shock wave is created in the trailing edge of the model. But in the case of RAE model, we have found that the shock wave is created between the leading and the trailing edge. Hence we conclude that the drag gets reduced in ONERA M6 wing compared to the RAE wing model.
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Abstract & Table of Contents.pdf (Size: 51.06 KB / Downloads: 380)
Comparision of Onera-M6 & RAE Wing.pdf (Size: 2.61 MB / Downloads: 637)
The grid is fully made on the ICEM software. Later the two wing models are tested in the fluent software for analysis purpose. Finally our project aim is to compare the two wing models. So we can find that which one is optimum. In the analysis process, we have found that shock wave is created in the trailing edge of the model. But in the case of RAE model, we have found that the shock wave is created between the leading and the trailing edge. Hence we conclude that the drag gets reduced in ONERA M6 wing compared to the RAE wing model.
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