Full Name :Arumugam.P
College Name :SNS College of Technology
Department :EEE
Semester :05
Subject Code :CS2311
Subject Name :Object Oriented Programming
Study Material Description :aaru edition 2014 QP
Answer ALL questions.
PART A — (10 x 2 20 marks)
1.Define encapsulation.
2.What is abstract class?
3.Write about operator overloading?
4.What is Destructor?
5.What are the manipulators available in C++?
6.What are the merits of using classes?
7.Define bytecode in java.
8.What is API package?
9.What is the use of final keyword?
10.Write the methods of threads?
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CS2311 OOPS May June 2014 QP.pdf (Size: 578.21 KB / Downloads: 5,145)
College Name :SNS College of Technology
Department :EEE
Semester :05
Subject Code :CS2311
Subject Name :Object Oriented Programming
Study Material Description :aaru edition 2014 QP
Question Paper Code : 51351
Fifth Semester
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
CS 2311/CS 59/10133 EE 604/10133 CS 304 — OBJECT ORIENTED
(Common to Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering and Instrumentation and
Time : Three hours
Control Engineering)
(Regulation 2008/2010)
Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions.
PART A — (10 x 2 20 marks)
1.Define encapsulation.
2.What is abstract class?
3.Write about operator overloading?
4.What is Destructor?
5.What are the manipulators available in C++?
6.What are the merits of using classes?
7.Define bytecode in java.
8.What is API package?
9.What is the use of final keyword?
10.Write the methods of threads?
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