Question Paper Code: 914391
Fourth Semester
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
EE 2252 / EE 43 /EE 1252/08020027 / 10133 EE 403 POWER PLANT ENGINEERING
(Regulation. 2008/2010)
Time: Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
(Use of steam tables and Mollier Chart is permitted)
Answer ALL questions.PART A - (10 x 2 = 20 marks)
1. Explain basic Thermodynamics Cycle
2. What are the methods of controlling fans? What are the disadvantages of FD fans?
3. Write about types of Turbines ..
4. What is a surge tank? Why it is important in:Hydro power plant?
5. What is a nuclear fission?
6. What you understand by Radioactive decay?
7. What are the maindifferences in 'Work output and thermal efficiency of Gas Turbine?
8. What type of cycle is used in Gas Turbine?
9. What are the types of solar collector?
10. Give example of geothermal resourses?
PART B - (5 x -16 = 80 marks)
11. (a) Explain the types of coal handling systems? Write anyone method with a neat flow diagram.
(b) Explain with a neat sketch about the following:
(i) Super heater .
(ii) Deaerator
12. (a) Write. about selection of Water Turbine? Explain anyone Turbine with neat sketch used in Hydro electric power plants. .
(b) Explain with neat sketch pumped storage plant. What are its advantages?
13. (a) Write about principles of nuclear energy. List out the various power plants station in India. With neat sketch explain anyone.
(b) Explain the characteristic features of BWR. What do you mean by internal and external circulation.
14. (a) With a neat sketch explain Diesel engine power plant component layout. And also list out merits and demerits.
(b) Explain the effect of regeneration in gas turbine plant. Give the specific advantage and disadvantage of gas turbine plant for a utility system.
15. (a) What is meant by Thermoelectric power generation and Thermionic power generation. Discuss in detail with suitable sketch.
(b) Write short notes on:
(i) Fuel cell
(ii) MHD power generation
(iii) OTEC
(iv) Tidal power plants.
Full Name :Arumugam.P
Department :EEE
Semester :04
Subject Code :EE2252
Subject Name

Study Material Description :QP
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