Interior Design & Decoration Question Paper 2015 - University of Delhi

University of Delhi

Interior Design & Decoration Question Paper 2015

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University: University of Delhi

Course: B.Sc Home Science (Hons.) - Applied Course

Subject Name:  Interior Design & Decoration

Exam Year: 2015

Semester: 4th

.pdf   Interior Design & Decoration Question Paper 2015 - University of Delhi.pdf (Size: 1,019.16 KB / Downloads: 178)

Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. - Og Mandino.

Huh, not so easy..
The design is very interesting and exciting. But there are things that need to be done beyond design. For example, air duct cleaning. After the repair, there was a lot of dust. Now I'm looking for an air duct cleaning service.