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Anna University

Department of Civil Engineering

Third Semester

AG2211 Applied Geology 

(Regulation 2008) 

(Common to Geoinformatics)

Unit – I 

1. Give a detailed account of ground water occurrence in rocks. Add a note on the porosity and permeability of rocks
2. Describe in detail how earthquakes are caused. Add a note on the earthquake prone belts of India. 
3. Describe in detail, the and erosional and deposition landforms formed due to the work of river.
4. Explain the concept of Plate Tectonics and described its relation to seismicity.
5. Explain theory of plate tectonics, names of plates, and evidence of plate tectonics.

Unit - II

1. What are the various Physical properties of minerals? Give examples for each property and describe them in detail. 
2. Describe how coal and petroleum originate.  Give detail account of their occurrence in India.
3. Give a detailed account of the mineralogical composition, engineering properties, behavior and uses of clay minerals.
4. Explain the various processes of formation of ore minerals.
5. Explain various process of ore formation.

Unit - III

1. Describe the petro logical and   engineering properties of the following rock.           (i) Schist (ii) Marble (iii) Sandstone (iv) Gneiss 
2. Bring out the distinguishing characters and properties of Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks. 
3. Bring out the distinguishing characters and properties of Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks.
4. List the various field and laboratory tests carried out to determine the Engineering.
5. Explain the structure of sedimentary rock and texture of metamorphic rock

Unit - IV

1. What are the folds in rocks? Classify them and describe each in detail. 
2. Explain the Electrical methods of geophysical surveys for civil engineering investigations.
3. Explain the influence of fold and faults on the design and construction of Dam and Tunnels. 
4. Give a detailed account of Seismic surveys and interpretation of seismic data for subsurface investigation.
5. What are faults? How are they classified? And its engineering significance.

Unit -V

1. Given an elaborate account of the various geological factors to be considered for the construction of Dam and reservoirs. 
2. Explain how remote sensing can help in planning, design and execution of civil engineering projects.
3. Write detail about   the type of landslides and their causative factors. List the various measures that help in prevention of landslides. 
4.Using case studies, describe the various aspects of coastal erosion and the various methods of coastal protection. 
5. Describe the causes of sea erosion and methods of coastal protection.