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Anna University

Department of Computer Science Engineering

(Common to Information Technology)

Third Semester

CS2203 Object Oriented Programming 

(Regulation 2008) 

Unit 1
1. Explain the principles and Special features of object oriented programming with illustrative examples. 
2. What is function overloading? Explain with an example program.
3. Explain in detail about
(j) inline function
(ii) Friend Function
(iii) const function
(iv) volatile function with suitable illustrations. 

Unit 2
1. What are the various types of constructors? Illustrate with example programs.
 2. Define a class called Complex. Include functions for reading and displaying complex objects. Write a function to overload + operator to add two Complex objects.
3. What is meant by function overloading? Write a C++ program to illustrate the concept of function overloading. 

Unit 3
1. Write a program for binary search as a generic function. The function should take arguments as array name, the size and element to be searched. 
2. What is a function template? Write a template function to sort arrays of float and int using bubble sort
3. . Discuss in detail exception handling constructs in C++. Write a program to illustrate divide by zero exception handling. 

Unit 4
1. Explain different types of inheritance with suitable example for each one of them
2.What is application of virtual function? Explain with an example how late binding is achieved using virtual function.
3) (i) What is polymorphism? What is the difference between compile time and runtime polymorphism? Explain. 
   (ii) Consider base class Base and derived class Derived. Assume bptr is a pointer to base class and dptr is a pointer to derived class. Differentiate between these two pointers in terms of accessing the derived class object. 
4. Explain the various runtime casting in detail.

Unit 5
1. What are manipulators? Explain in detail various manipulators used for I/O operations with example.
2 (i) Write a program to read and count the characters in a string.
   (ii) Explain how sequence iterators work. 
3.Discuss in detail about Standard Template Library. 
4.Discuss in detail the unformatted I/O operations