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Anna University

2012 Important Questions

147401: Electronic Circuits II
Common To

Tirunelveli, Madurai, Coimbatore, Tirchy All over Tamilnadu engineering colleges

Unit I

1. Give the block diagram of feedback amplifier and discuss the effect

of negative feedback with respect to closed loop gain, bandwidth and distortion.

2. Draw the circuit diagram of voltage series feedback amplifier using BJT and analyze the circuit to determine the input and output resistance

3. Discuss in detail qualitatively on the effect of topology of feedback amplifier upon the input resistance. And also obtain the expression for output resistance for all four topologies.

4. Draw the circuit Diagram and explain the working of RC Phase shift Oscillator. Also derive the expression for frequency of oscillation and condition for sustained oscillation.

5. Draw the circuit Diagram and explain the working of clapp oscillator. Also derive the expression for frequency of oscillation.


1. Draw the circuit diagram of a common emitter amplifier, Identify the type of negative feedback. Calculate the gain, input and output resistance with and without feedback.

2. Draw the circuit diagram and explain the working of Colpitts Oscillator. Also derive the expression for frequency of oscillation and condition for sustained oscillation

3. Draw the circuit diagram and explain the working of Hartley Oscillator. Also derive the expression for frequency of oscillation and condition for sustained oscillation

4. Draw the circuit diagram of a wein bridge oscillator. Derive the transfer functionβof the phase lead —lag network used and hence explain how Barkhausen criterion are satisfied in this RC oscillator.

Unit III

1. Describe the operation of a single and double tuned amplifier with neat diagram

2. Discuss the effect of bandwidth on cascading single tuned amplifiers.

3. Explain Hazeltine neutralization method.

4. Write short notes on class C tuned amplifier and stagger tuned amplifier

Unit IV

1. Sketch the circuit of a bistable multivibrator and explain the circuit operation

2. Explain asta ble multivibrator with neat sketch of waveforms at collector and base of transistor used in the circuit.

3. Design a collector coupled asta ble multivibrator using Vcc = 20V and Icsat =3 mA to generate a pulse wave at f = 2 KHz with 70% duty cycle.

4. What is clipper? Explain the operation of positive and negative clipper diode clippers with waveforms.

Unit V

1. Explain Miller and Bootstrap sweep generators with necessary circuits and wave forms.

2. Explain monostable blocking oscillator with base and emitter timing. Draw necessary waveforms.

3. Describe the working pf UJT relaxation oscillator in detail with neat diagram

4. With neat diagram explain monostable blocking oscillator with base and emitter timing. Draw necessary waveforms