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Full Version: EC1252 Signals and Systems (R 2004) November/December 2013 Question Paper
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Anna University
B E /B Tech Examination November/December 2013

Department of  ECE
4th Semester
EC1252 Signals and Systems Question paper

(Regulation 2004) 

Semester : 4
Department : ECE
Subject Code : EC1252
Subject Name:  Signals and Systems
Type : Question Papers
Syllabus Regulation : 2004 
Attachment Type : pdf 
Details :EC1252 Signals and Systems Question Paper

Question Paper Code 33372

Fourth Semester
Electronics and Communication Engineering
(Regulation 2004/2007)
(Common to RE. (Part-Time) Third Semester, Regulation 2005)
Time : Three hours
Maximum: 100 marks

Answer ALL questions.
PART A - (10 x 2 = 20 marks)
1. What is the condition for a discrete time signal to be periodic?
2. What are Dirichlet conditions?
3. Find the laplace transform of unit' ramp function.
4. When is a continuous time system said to be stable? .
5. Write a note on aliasing.
6. Derive the relation between z-transform and Fourier transform.
7. Mention the significance of impulse response.
8. Give the block diagram representation of the system y{n) = 2y(n -1) + 3x(n _ 3)+2x(n - 2)+ x(n -1).
9. List the various realization structures of a DTLTI system.
10. Give examples for a recursive and non recursive discrete time.system.

For Part B Questions, Attachment the Attachment.
Attachment :
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