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Anna University , Chennai
Department Of Computer Science
3rd Semester
CS6301 Programming And Data Structure II
Question Bank With Answers
Regulation R2013

1. What is an identifier?

Identifiers are names for various programming elements in c++ program. such as variables,arrays,function, structures, union, labels ect., An identifier can be Composed only of uppercase, lower case letter, underscore and digits, but should start only with an alphabet or an underscore.

2. What is a keyword?
Keywords are word whose meanings have been already defined in the c compiler. They are also called as reserved words. (ex) main(), if, else, else, if, scanf, printf, switch, for, goto, while ect.,

3. Define constant in c++.
Constants in c++ refers to fixed values that do not change during execution of a program.

4. Define a variable.
A quantity ,Which may vary during execution of a program is called as a variable.

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