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Full Version: Database Management System (DBMS) Lecture Notes - mohitsaini Edition
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Full Name :Mohit saini
College Name : Doon Business School
Department :Computer Application
Semester :III
Subject Code :301
Subject Name : DBMS
Study Material Description :Notes


A database is a collection of related data that are related data that are recorded in any medium.
For ex: Consider the names , telephone number and address of the  people you know. We may recorded this data in an address book, or recorded in a personal computer using Excel sheet . So this record is called database.
A database have the following properties:
a)      A database represents some aspect of the real world  sometimes its called mini world or Universe of Discourse (UoD).
b)      A database is designed , built and associated with data for a specific purpose.
In other words , a database has some source from which data is derived, some interaction with events and some users that is interested in the content of database.

DBMS is a collection of programs ( A general purpose software) that provides the facility to the user to define, construct , manipulate and share databases among various users and application.
Defining means to specify the data types , structure and contents of the database . DBMS also keep the information of database itself in database catalog . This information of database is called Meta Data.
Constructing means to store the data itself on some storage medium.
Manipulating means to retrieve the data from the database and updating the data in the database.
Sharing means to allow multiple users and programs to access the database.

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