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Anna University
Department of EEE

CS2311 Object Oriented Programming

Unit 2 Important Questions

Semester : 5
Year : 3

Part A

1. Define pointer?
2. Define abstract class
3. Explain the different visibility or access modifiers?
4. Define polymorphism.
5. What is Virtual function?
6. define friend function with example.
7.what is pure virtual function with example.
8. define exception
9. define file.
10. What is constructor and destructor?What are the types of constructor?

Part –B

1. Explain (a) try (b) throw © catch
2. Explain virtual function with example program.
3. Explain array with its types with necessary example.
4. Explain file and explain read and write operations
5. Explain hierarichal inheritance with example.
6. Explain friend functions with sample program.