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A strange creature with a long curved neck and long hind legs could well be the very first dinosaur, who lived on the planet. Fossils of this species have been found in Tanzania in the 1930s, but now researchers have been able to identify the find. New look, but a very old after his birth, was named the dinosaurs "Nyasasaurus Parringtoni"

Scientists believe that it existed on our planet about 240-245 million years ago, when our planet is just beginning to disperse across continents and prehistoric superkontitent Pangaea broke up just a few new proto-continents. Inhabits an ancient form of the south-east of Pangea of which stood out in the future, Africa, South America, Australia and Antarctica.

According to the researchers, the new species was from 2 to 3 meters in length and about 1 meter in height, his weight was 20 to 60 kg. The researchers say that of all the known species of dinosaurs Nyasasaurus Parringtoni was the oldest and at the same time the ancestor of all subsequent species in this family lizards.

A new discovery by researchers from the University of Washington reported in the latest issue of the journal Biology Letters, released on December 5. According to them, until recently it was generally accepted that the first dinosaurs appeared on earth 228-245 million years ago, However, the new finding nullifies the theory and points to the fact that 245 million years ago, prehistoric reptiles, albeit in a primitive form, but already existed. Restore species of dinosaur paleontologists have fossils on the front and hind legs of the form, as well as fragments of his spine.

Experts say that the remains, because of their record of age, poorly preserved, so the finds made ​​over 80 years ago, were able to identify only now. Later dinosaurs survived much better. To date the age of species managed by the radiocarbon method of rocks, which remains etched. Researchers also were able to establish that the form, according to the bio-chemical analysis, had several characteristic features of dinosaurs. He, in particular, could quickly regenerate damaged tissue and had a remarkably advanced system of blood supply.