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Full Version: Origin of the Names of the Months
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Last month my borther went to Accenture company Interview, in that interview they asked about orgin of months.He dont know about this.After reaching home he told me that so I taught of sharing this....
January: Janus, Roman god of doors.
February: Februarius, Februa-Roman purification Festival.
March: Martius Mars, the Roman god of war,
April: Roman month Aprilis, perhaps derived from aperire,Latin to open, as in opening buds and blossoms.
May: Maia, Roman goddess, mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas,
June: Juno, chief Roman goddess,
July: Renamed for Julius Caesar in 44 BC, who was born this month.
August:named in 8 BC for Augustus Caesar, honor of Emperor Auguster.
September: September,the seventh month in the Roman calendar
October: Eighth month octo in the Roman calendar.
November: Ninth Roman month novem, Latin for 9. Ninth month in Roman Calender.
December: decem, Latin for 10, tenth month in Roman Calender.
nice share bro!!!!!! Cool