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Unit I Introduction to Environmental Studies and Natural Resources
Important Two 2 mark question CY 1201

1. Define: Environment

2. What are the major causes of current environmental problems?

3. What are the components of environment? Give suitable examples.

4. What are natural resources? Classify them.

5. What are the salient characteristics of water, which make it

6. What is an aquifer? Discuss its types.

7. Compare merits and problems of dams. (AU)

8. What are the types of forests?

9. List the ecological uses of forests.

10. What are the commercial uses of forests?

11. Differentiate between deforestation and forest degradation. (AU)

12. What is RIS?

13. Classify mineral resources.

14. Name few mineral resources available in India. (AU)

15. Metals cannot be irrecoverably consumed but we tend to disperse them in
diluted state all over our planet. Discuss the statement. (AU)

16. Suggest some remedial measures to minimize the impacts of mining.

17. What are the measures to be taken, if India goes for mining of U in

18. What is overgrazing?

19. Write the adverse effects caused by overgrazing. (AU)

20. What is micronutrient imbalance?

21. What is “Blue Baby Syndrome”?

22. What is meant by erosion? (AU)

23. What is meant by soil erosion? (AU)

24. What is eutrophication?

25. What is algal bloom?

26. What is “superpest”?

27. Enumerate the desired qualities of ideal pesticide. (AU)

28. What is “Shifting Cultivation” or “Slash and Burn Cultivation”?

29. Classify energy resources.

30. List the various renewable energy resources.

31. What is nuclear energy? Discuss its types.

32. What are the benefits of nuclear power plant?

33. What are solar cells? Discuss its merits.

34. What are the limiting factors that prevent construction of large scale
solar power generating stations?

35. What are the merits and demerits of wind energy?

36. State the importance of atmosphere?

37. Define: a) Lithosphere b) Biosphere

38. What is hydrological cycle?

39. Differentiate between malnutrition and undernourishment.

40. As an individual how will you conserve water and land resources? (AU)

41. What is desertification? Give two reasons for it. (AU)

and answer big question CY 1201

1. What is deforestation? Discuss the major causes of deforestation. What
are the consequences of deforestation? (16)

2. What are effects of construction of dams, timber extraction and mining
on tribal

Peoples? (8)

3. What are upstream and downstream problems caused by big dams?

4. “Should we go for construction of dams like Narmada Dam”? Substantiate


5. Discuss the causes and consequences of flood? How to mitigate it? (8)

6. Discuss the causes and consequences of drought. Elaborate various

Control measures. (8)

7. Discuss the ill-effects of mining. With a suitable case study, enumerate

Problems faced by unscrupulous mining.

8. What are the energy resources available in India? (6) (AU)

9. Explain the non-renewable energy resources available to meet the growing
energy needs of India. (10) (AU)

10. Describe the scope and importance of forest resources and their
overexploitation.(8) (AU)

11. Explain the conflicts over water and dams in India. (8) (AU)

12. What is deforestation? Explain its impact on the environment.(6) (AU)

13. Explain how the alternate energy sources play an important role in
environmental impact.(10) (AU)

14. Write a brief note on changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing.
(8) (AU)

15. Define the term conservation of natural resources and explain the role

Individual in conservation of natural resources. (8) (AU)

16. What are the major causes of deforestation? Discuss its consequences.
(8+8) (AU)

17. Modern practice of intensive agriculture contributes much to the
deterioration of agricultural soil. Discuss. (8) (AU)

18. Based on thermal characteristics, how is the atmosphere stratified? (8)

19. What are the ecological benefits of forests? (8) (AU)

20. “Environmental damages caused by mining last long after the mine has
closed”. Explain.(8) (AU)

21. Discuss the possible solution to improve the acceptability of dam
projects in

Indian conditions. (8) (AU)

22. Explain the adverse environmental impacts of modern agriculture (8)

23. What is deforestation? Enumerate and discuss the various effects of

Deforestation. (8) (AU)

24. Discuss the environmental effect of extracting and using mineral


25. Discuss the effect of dams on forests and tribal people.(8) (AU)

26. Discuss the problems of pesticide in modern agriculture. (8) (AU)

UNIT-2 Environmental Science and Engineering ESE Important Question and
Answer CY 1201

Unit II Ecosystems and Biodiversity important two 2 mark question and
answer CY 1201

1. Define: Ecology and ecosystem.

2. Classify ecosystems.

3. What are the classifications of biotic components of ecosystems? (AU)

4. What is food chain and food web? (AU)

5. What are tropical levels?

6. What is energy flow?

7. State the first law of thermodynamics.

8. State the second law of thermodynamics.

9. Differentiate between hydrarch and xerarch successions

10. Define the term producers and consumers. (AU)

11. What is meant by genetic diversity? (AU)

12. What is a nutrient or biogeochemical cycle?

13. What is carbon cycle?

14. What do you mean by the term nitrogen fixation?

15. List the reservoirs of phosphorus on earth.

16. What is mycorrhizae?

17. Most fertile and productive soils in the world have developed under
grassland. Why?

18. What is humus?

19. Name the factors that affect the aquatic ecosystem.

20. Explain why some of the ecological pyramids are upright while the
others are

inverted in different ecosystems.

21. What is homeostasis?

22. How does a biome differ from ecosystem? (AU)

23. List the major biomes of the world.

24. Define: Species diversity and Genetic diversity. (AU)

25. What is ecological succession? State its types.

26. What are the different zones in a lake ecosystem?

27. What do you mean by the following terms: a) Thermocline b) Oligotrophic
lakes and c) Meromictic lakes

28. Define: Biodiversity. (AU)

29. Define: Ecosystem diversity

30. What do you understand by the term biopyracy?

31. With suitable examples, briefly explain alpha, beta and gamma richness.

32. Name the methods used for valuation of biodiversity.

33. Distinguish between endangered and endemic species. Give examples.

34. What is Red Data Book?

35. Name some bioreserve centres of Tamil Nadu / India.

36. List the biogeographical zones of India.

37. What are the criteria for acknowledging a hot spot?

38. Why poaching of wild life is happening?

39. List the major threats to biodiversity.

40. Name the few endangered wild life species of India (AU)

Unit II PART B Important 16 Mark Question and Answer CY 1201 ESE

1. Explain ecological pyramids. (4)

2. Explain: (1) Forest ecosystem (2) Ecological succession (4+4) (AU)

3. What are the different types of Eco-system and explain them with an


4. Briefly discuss the structural and functional components of an

5. Compare and contrast an ecosystem with an anthroposystem.

6. Compare and contrast natural ecosystem with agro ecosystem.

7. Explain the functioning of hydrological cycle.

8. Explain the role of biogeochemical cycles in sustaining life on earth.

9. Discuss the environmental factors affecting the performance of an


10. Explain: The grass land ecosystem. (8) (AU)

11. Write a note on food chain. (4) (AU)

12. Write the short notes on the following: (i) Energy flow in ecosystem
(ii) Pond

ecosystem (iii) Threats to bio-diversity (6+5+5) (AU)

13. Explain the flow of energy in the atmosphere and its utilities in an

14. Write a short note on phosphorus, sulphur and oxygen cycles.

15. Explain the different components of an ecosystem with the help of pond

ecosystem. (8) (AU)

16. Energy flow in an ecosystem obeys Ist and IInd laws of thermodynamics.
Justify.(6) (AU)

17. Explain the biodiversity of India. (8) (AU)

18. Discuss the status of India as a mega diverse nation of biodiversity.

19. Is biotechnology a threat to biodiversity? Discuss.

20. “Extinction is part of the evolutionary process. Then why should we
bother about extinction of species”. Comment.

21. Describe in-situ and ex-situ conservation of bio-diversity. (8) (AU)

22. What do you understand by hot spots in biodiversity? Name and briefly
describe the hot spots of biodiversity that extend in India. (8) (AU)

23. Explain the role of biodiversity at global, national and local
levels.(12) (AU)

24. Briefly explain the conservation of bio-diversity. (8) (AU)

25. Enumerate the major causes of degeneration of biodiversity. (8) (AU)

26. Why conservation in parks, sanctuaries and nature reserves is

inadequate and the only sensible way is to conserve the entire ecosystem as

habitat? Discuss.(10) (AU)

27. With a neat sketch explain the flow of energy through the various
components of the ecosystem (Producers, Consumers and Decomposers) (8)

28. Discuss the concept of ecological pyramids. (8) (AU)

29. Explain the various types of values of biodiversity. (16)

30. List the major endemic species of India. What are measures taken to
conserve them?/span>