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UNIT-3 Environmental Pollution ESE Environmental Science & Engineering
Important Question And Answer

Unit 3 Environmental Pollution Important two mark question and answer ESE
CY 1201

1. Define Pollution

2. Define: a) Air pollution b) Water pollution c) Noise pollution(AU) d)

Pollution e) Soil pollution (AU) f) Thermal pollution

3. What are the waste minimization techniques? (AU)

4. Classify the sources of water pollution.

5. What are landslides? (AU)

6. What is Tsunami?

7. What is earthquake?

8. What is cyclone?

9. What is Minamata disease?

10. What is Itai-Itai?

11. Why water soluble pollutants don’t get biomagnified?

12. What is Grey water?

13. Define: COD

14. Define: BOD

15. What is PAN?

16. Differentiate between smog and photochemical smog.

17. List some methods of preventing air pollution by SPM.

18. Suggest some methods to dispose hazardous wastes.

19. Distinguish between incineration and pyrolysis.

20. What is biomethanation?

21. What is E-waste?

22. What is biomedical waste? Suggest a method of its disposal.

23. Differentiate between recycling and reuse. (AU)

24. Give examples of primary and secondary air pollutants. (AU)

25.Define decibel. Give the permissible noise levels in heavy machinery shop
and hospital zone.

26. What is Love Canal tragedy?

27. Differentiate between sound and noise.

28. Distinguish between “Sewage” and “Effluent”.

29. What is composting?

30. What is vermicomposting?

31. What is source, path and receiver concept?

32. What are the sources of radioactive pollution?

33. What are the effects of radiation on living organisms?

34. Write any four water pollutants. (AU)

35. What is oxidation pond?

36. Write briefly how human activities can introduce thermal pollution into

37. Give any four methods to control noise pollution. (AU)

38. How nuclear hazards can be disposed safely? (AU)

39. What is meant by photochemical smog? (AU)

40. Differentiate between pollution prevention and pollution control.

Part B Unit-3 ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION Important 16 Mark Question and answer
CY1201 Big question

1. What are the causes and effects of air pollution? (6) (AU)

2. What are the control methods for soil pollution? (4) (AU)

3. Explain how marine pollution can be controlled? (6) (AU)

4. Describe the various natural disasters.(8) (AU)

5. Explain the role of individuals in the prevention of pollution. (8) (AU)

6. Explain: (i) Over utilization of surface and ground water. (ii) Adverse
effects of

agricultural practices away from the farm.(8+8) (AU)

7. Discuss the major soil pollution and their impacts. (6) (AU)

8. Explain the various methods of controlling air pollution. (10) (AU)

9. Explain the disaster management in detail. (4) (AU)

10. Explain the various methods of controlling water pollution. (12) (AU)

11. Discuss the causes and effects of (i) air pollution and (ii) water

12. What is earthquake? Explain its effects. What measures should be taken

mitigate these disasters. (16) (AU)

13. What is thermal pollution? Discuss the damages caused by heated
effluent on aquatic systems. Suggest control measures. (8) (AU)

14. Give an account of the action plan for cyclone management. (8)

15. What are the major pollutants of atmosphere? Enumerate the sources and
adverse effects caused by these pollutants on the biological systems. (10)

16. With a neat diagram, explain the principle, working, advantages and

disadvantages of electrostatic precipitator and gravitational settling

17. What is the significance of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in rivers? Explain.

18. What are the effects of air pollution on the oceans? (8)

19. Explain the effects of oil pollution on the oceans.

20. With a flow diagram explain Activated Sludge Process for waste water

21. Explain the trickling filter method with a flow diagram.

22. Compare and contrast activated sludge process and septic tank for
treating sewage.

23. Discuss the control of air pollution from automobiles.

24. Explain the working of a catalytic converter with a neat sketch.

25. Explain how effluent waste water is treated. (16)

26. Discuss the various methods of disposal of municipal solid wastes. (16)

27. Explain how fat soluble pollutants like DDT get bio magnified. (8) (AU)

28. Explain the concept of source, path receiver in the control of noise

29. Explain how BOD is determined.

30. List the major contaminants in sewage and discuss their effects.

UNIT-4 Social Issues And The Environment ESE Environmental Science And
Engineering Important Question And Answer

Social Issues and the Environment Important two mark question and answer
Unit-4 CY1201

1. Define: “Sustainable Development” (AU)

2. List the advantages of Rain Water Harvesting.

3. Define: Watershed management.

4. Write the reactions of CFC and ozone, which results in ozone hole. (AU)

5. What is a Dobson Unit? (AU)

6. List the major greenhouse gases and their sources.

7. List the major pollution control acts in India.

8. What are the major functions of Central Pollution Control board?

9. What is precautionary principle?

10. Define: “Acid Rain”. (AU)

11. Explain the term “Global Warming”. (AU)

12. What is the difference between rehabilitation and resettlement? (AU)

PART B Social Issues and the Environment important 16 mark question and
answer Big question CY1201

1.What is meant by “Sustainable Development”? Explain the term and their

2. What are the major causes of concern about energy in India?

3. What are the major obstacles in the path of sustainable development in

4. Write a short note on Rain Water Harvesting.

5. Discuss the various water conservation techniques.

6. Explain the scope of the subject environmental ethics.

7.Why is the ozone hole formation less severe in Arctic region compared to

8. Explain the impacts of ozone depletion on ecosystem.

9. Discuss the effects of global warming on the worlds food supply.

10. Explain the concept of precautionary principle.

11. What are the causes of nuclear hazards and accidents? Discuss the
effects of nuclear accident on environment.

12.Explain the urban problems related to water and how it can be

13.Write short notes on Green House Effect and its impact on

14. Explain the mechanism of formation of acid rain. (8) (AU)

15. How is acid rain formed? Explain its impact on environment. (8). (AU)

16. What are the sources of green house gases in atmosphere? (4) (AU)

17. Discuss the phenomenon of Global Warming and the factors contributing
to it.(8)

18. Discuss the possible mechanism of stratospheric ozone depletion. (8)

19. Give an account of the issues and impacts of resettlement and

20. Write briefly on any of the nuclear disaster. (6) (AU)

21. Discuss the salient features of the following acts i) Environment
(Protection) Act,1986, ii) Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.
(8+8) (AU)

22. Explain the salient features of water and air pollution prevention act.
(8) (AU)

23. Write a short note on global warming and ozone layer depletion. (8)

UNIT-5 Human Population And The Environment ESE Important Question And

Unit 5 Human Population and the Environment Important two marks question
and answer CY 1201

1. What do you mean by carrying capacity of population? (AU)

2. Define: “Population Explosion”. (AU)

3. Define: Birth rate

4. Define: Death rate

5. Define: Doubling time.

6. What is ZPG?

7. What is population pyramid?

8. What is India Population Project (IPP)?

9. What are the reasons behind the increased population growth in the less

developed nations compared with developed nations? (AU)

10. List out few family welfare projects in India. (AU)

11. Differentiate between HIV and AIDS. (AU)

12. List any four vector-borne diseases. (AU)

PART B Human Population and the Environment Important 16 mark question and
answer Big question CY 1201

1. Discuss the factors influencing human population. (8) (AU)

2. Draw a typical population pyramid of a developing country and discuss
how it is likely to differ from that of a developed country. (8) (AU)

3. Discuss the population growth variation among nations. (4) (AU)

4. Discuss the effect of population growth on i) Food resources ii) Water
resources and iii) Energy resources.

5. Explain the term “Population Explosion”. (6) (AU)

6. Explain the impacts of population growth on environmental issues. (12)

7. Outline the various family welfare plans in the post independent India.
(8) (AU)

8. Discuss the role of IT on environment. (10) (AU)

9. Discuss the role of IT in environment and human health. (10) (AU)

10. What are the modes of transmission of HIV and how it can be prevented?

11. Write a note on water-borne diseases. (6) (AU)

12. Define: Human Rights. Discuss the salient features of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights by UN. (AU)

13. Write notes on human rights. (8) (AU)

14. What is value education? What are the objectives of it?

15. Explain the steps taken in India to impart value education.

16. Write a short note on Women and Child welfare.