Master of Computer Application (MCA) Regulation 2013 Semester V and VI Syllabus

[font=Times New Roman][Image: Anna_University,_Chennai_logo.png][/font]
[font=Times New Roman]Anna University,Chennai
[font=Times New Roman]Regulations 2013[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]Master of Computer Application[/font]
5th and 6th  Semester Syllabus

University : Anna University,Chennai
Regulation : 2013
Graduate: PG
Degree: MCA
Year : II
Semester :IV
Thread Type:Syllabus

[font=Times New Roman]Subjects: [/font]
MC7501 Web Application Development
MC7502 Service Oriented Architecture
MC7503 Mobile computing
Elective II
Elective III


MC7511 Advanced Internet Programming Laboratory
MC7512 XML and Web Services Laboratory
MC7513 Mini Project (Socially Relevant)


MC7006 M-commerce
MC7007  Health Care Management
MC7008  Geological Information Systems
MC7009  Human Resource Management
MC7010  Enterprise Application Integration

MC7011 Big Data Analytics


MC7012 Ad hoc and Sensor Networks
MC7013 Semantic web
MC7014 Software Testing and Quality Assurance
MC7015 Software Project Management
MC7016 Cloud Computing
MC7017 Network Protocols


.pdf   MCA R13 sem5 & 6.pdf (Size: 823.56 KB / Downloads: 6,021)

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    Master of Computer Application (MCA) Regulation 2013 Semester V and VI Syllabus