DYKES’13 - Symposium in St. Xavier’s Catholic College Of Engineering

DYKES’13 - Symposium in St. Xavier’s Catholic College Of Engineering

[Image: cGzsSEY.jpg]
National Level Technical Symposium
St. Xavier’s Catholic College Of Engineering
Organized by Department of Electrical And Electronics Engineering


Department of Electrical And Electronics Engineering  of St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering is conducting a National Level Technical Symposium on 21-SEPT-2013.

Event Schedule and Name:

Event Date: 21-Sept-2013
Event name: DYKES’13


Paper Presentation
Poster Presentation
Technical Quiz
Explore MATLAB
Circuit Debugging
Tech Spots

Paper Presentation Topics:

Renewable Energy Resource
Smart Grid
Power Electronics And Drives
Embedded Systems
Other Innovative Topic

Rules for paper presentation:

Papers Must be in IEEE Format
Maximum of 2 Students Per Paper
Mail Your papers to dykes2k13@gmail.com

Registration Fee- Rs:150 Per Participant

Important dates:

Event date: 21-SEPT-2013
Last Date for Submitting the Papers: 17-09-2013
Intimation Date-18-09-2013

Contact Details:
Department of EEE

St.Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, 
Chunkankadai, Nagercoil - 629003

Prof.Jain.B.Marshel :9790913903(Faculty Advisor)
Mr.Razeen Ahmed:9043843903 (Student Co-ordinator)
Mr.Vishnu- 9003715691(Student Co-ordinator)

More details @  www.sxsee.org
"It is very easy to defeat someone, But It's very hard to win someone"                                                                                        - Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
Reduce the poster dimension and reupload it !!
“Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise...”
@dhilipkumar - Dimension Is not to be Reduced what i wnat to da Bro......>>>>
"It is very easy to defeat someone, But It's very hard to win someone"                                                                                        - Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam