How To Speed Up Internet Connection In Your PC Via Mobile As Modem

How To Speed Up Internet Connection In Your PC Via Mobile As Modem
[ul][li]Open Run[/li][li]Type "regedit"[/li][li]Follow the Path "HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->Microsoft->Windows->Current Version->Internet Settings[/li][li]Now Press Edit->New->DWORD(32-Bit)value[/li][li]Rename it as "maxconnectionperserver"[/li][li]Right Click It And Press Modify[/li][li]Enter The Value As 3000000000 in Decimal[/li][li]Create a New DWORD Value And Rename It As "maxconnectionper1_0server"[/li][li]Modify its Value As 3000000000 also[/li][/ul]
Angel1  Just go with life as it goes.. Dont do anything silly and you'll be Happy

    How To Speed Up Internet Connection In Your PC Via Mobile As Modem