GE2112 FOC - Important Programs - Rajsathya Edition

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Anna University, Chennai
GE2112 Fundamentals Of Computing And Programming
Important Programs - Rajsathya Edition

Chapter 4 : Searching And Sorting

Program Attachment List :

Searching :

[ul][li]Linear search in an unsorted array[/li][li]Linear search in a sorted array[/li][li]Binary search in a sorted array[/li][/ul]
Sorting : 

[ul][li]Bubble sort[/li][li]Selection sort[/li][li]Quick sort[/li][li]Insertion sort[/li][li]Binary Tree Sort[/li][li]Heap Sort[/li][li]Merge Sort[/li][li]External Sort[/li][/ul]
Chapter 5 : Pointers And Strings

Program Attachment List :

[ul][li]Program to perform some basic operations on string[/li][li]Program to check entered name in the master list[/li][li]Program to swap elements of array of pointers to strings[/li][li]Program to allocate memory dynamically for strings, and store their addresses in array of pointers to strings[/li][li]Program to search for a string into another string[/li][li]Few more string functions[/li][/ul]

Downloads : 

Searching And Sorting : 
.pdf   FOC - Searching and Sorting - Important Questions.pdf (Size: 320.28 KB / Downloads: 861)

Pointers And Strings : 
.pdf   FOC - Pointers And Strings - Important Programs.pdf (Size: 299.14 KB / Downloads: 804)
Angel1  Just go with life as it goes.. Dont do anything silly and you'll be Happy

    GE2112 FOC - Important Programs - Rajsathya Edition