You are just some steps before to post for the contest. Just follow the below steps to make your content publish.
- The first thing for contest eligibility is, you must be a member of Vidyarthiplus Forum. If you are already a member, then proceed to next point.
- In order to contact you and reach more people, the contestants are required to follow our Google+ page by Clicking Here. The contestants will be added to our circles when you follow us. If you already follow us on Google+ you can proceed to next step.
- Now you are ready to post your content. CLICK HERE and you will see a page to create your thread. In the field "Thread Subject", enter the title which you want to give for your discussion. It must not be very long. Example : Online Education - Spoiling the health of students. etc.
- The next field is "Thread Message" where you should enter your entire discussion topic. Start with the Title of the topic. Then enter your "Name", "Department & Year", "College Name" and if you are informed about the contest by your college VCA, then enter his/her name in "VCA Name". Else don't include this. Then after that write your entire discussion subject using the editor tools to format the text like bold,italic,underlines,etc. SEE THE BELOW IMAGE.
- After typing the full discussion and editing works, read and check whether all things are right and once you finish it, click "Post Thread" at the bottom to publish your discussion thread.

- Once the thread is published, moderators of Vidyarthiplus will add a Poll to your discussion "Do you agree with this Discussion?" and there will be YES or NO options, which the users of V+ can vote. So number of YES for your thread is one factor for your thread.(NOTE : Only registered members can Vote. So ask your friends to join Vidyarthiplus and give the discussion URL and ask them to VOTE)
- Next factor we consider is the Number of thread views of your discussion. You can increase it by sharing the URL when your thread is published. (Copy the URL in the address bar once you clicked "Post Thread"). You could share the URL with your friends through social networks to increase number of views for your thread.
- Next Important factor we consider is the Number of Social Activity of your discussion. The number of facebook likes, Google+ +1s, twitter tweets etc. will account for it. It is available at the end of your discussion thread. While you give the URL of the link, ask them to like, share, tweet, +1 your thread to get more social activity for your discussion.See the below image.
Through this contest, you can show your English Writing Skills and moreover you can give innovative ideas for the discussion topic. For any queries, reply to this thread. Share this contest with your college friends also.
The best top 3 discussion threads will be selected according to the above criteria and the result will be announced on 25th September,2014 1st October 2014.